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If you requested an extension for your 2023 federal income tax return, you have until six months from the original due date — October 15, 2024, to be exact — to wrap things up. This extra time may give you the opportunity to lower your overall tax bill and possibly increase a refund. Here are 10… Read more


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During uncertain times, you may be concerned about the effects world events will have on your financial affairs. Of course, there are no absolute guarantees of protection, but shoring up your defenses and laying the groundwork for a comprehensive wealth-management plan can help. Here are eight steps…

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Comments submitted on behalf of the American Bar Association Section of Taxation (ABA tax section) in a letter dated July 2, 2024, suggest the IRS should supplement or expand its 2008 guidance on F reorganizations involving S corporations and qualified subchapter S subsidiaries (QSubs) to include…

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FustCharles- how can we help you
The journey from founding a company to successfully handing over the reins involves navigating a complex maze of financial, legal, and even emotional challenges. Robust succession planning can prepare the family-owned enterprise for new leadership or new owners while enhancing the financial…

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