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Automotive hacking is on the rise. The number of cyberattacks into vehicle computer systems increased by a staggering 380% from 2021 to 2022, according to Upstream's 2023 Global Automotive CyberSecurity Report. Don't buckle up without taking precautions.

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Private businesses implemented new lease accounting rules in 2022, resulting in a major shift in how leases are reported for "book" purposes. While the tax rules for leases haven't changed, the new accounting rules can have notable implications for how the tax rules play out.

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If you have a tax-favored retirement account, you generally must take required minimum distributions (RMDs) each year after you reach the "magic" age. If you don't take RMDs, you'll be hit with an expensive federal tax penalty, unless an exception applies. (See "Which Plans Are Affected by the RMD…

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Starting September 1, 2023, federal student loans will begin accruing interest again. And loan payments will officially restart in October 2023.

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There's more to paying taxes than just federal and state income taxes. Another major tax chore for employers is payroll taxes. These expenditures can be significant, and the reporting requirements can be onerous. So it's important for small business owners to understand the basics.

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Finding and keeping talent can be challenging in today's competitive hiring market. Many workers are ready and willing to switch jobs, in search of greener pastures. And there's a skills shortage — especially for high-tech, accounting, health care and executive positions.

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