

Equity-based compensation often is associated with startup companies. But businesses in a cash crunch also might consider such awards in lieu of year-end cash bonuses. In addition to recognizing high performance, stock options and other types of equity-based compensation can boost retention. Before… Read more


In today's uncertain marketplace, businesses are being forced to re-evaluate their working capital needs. Some managers have learned the hard way during the pandemic that operating "lean" has its limits.

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There's good news for owners and designers of commercial buildings that are energy efficient. In 2021, the energy-efficient commercial buildings deduction (also known as Section 179D) was made permanent, thanks to the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Now, the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act…

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The IRS recently announced many inflation adjustments for the 2023 tax year. IRS Revenue Procedure 2022-38 provides details about these amounts. Because inflation is high, many of the amounts for 2023 will change more than they have in recent years. Here are some of the tax amounts for 2023, as…

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It's time for year-end tax planning. Every fall, small business owners should review their tax situations to determine steps they should consider to reduce their federal income taxes for the current year — and beyond. Fortunately, no significant unfavorable federal tax law changes are expected this…

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Most organizations hire a CPA to issue financial statements that conform to U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). But not all financial statements are created equal. Owners can choose from three basic options, in order of decreasing assurance level: audits, reviews and compilations.…

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With year end fast approaching, it's time to consider tax planning moves that may lower taxes for the 2022 tax year — and possibly set you up for tax savings in future years as well.

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The U.S. labor market remains tight, in spite of recent changes. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported approximately 4.2 million workers quit their jobs in August 2022, unchanged from July 2022 and down just slightly from 4.3 million in June. You may have heard of the Great Resignation of older…

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