
Federal tax professionals working to resolve issues with the IRS can attest to the multifaceted impacts of the agency’s resource constraints on taxpayer service. The signs are evident, for example, in the long wait times for calls to be answered, tax return processing delays and increased instances… Read more


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Once upon a time, consumers generally expected a clear line of demarcation between advertising and editorial content. While holdouts remain — especially from older generations — younger audiences who came of age during or after the advent of social media often have no problem with blending the two.…

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Are you a business owner working from home as a sole proprietor or an entrepreneur with a home-based side gig? As long as you meet certain requirements, you may qualify for sizeable home office deductions, including write-offs attributable to everyday household expenses.

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Real estate markets are still surging in many parts of the country, especially in some popular travel destinations. If you're thinking about selling a vacation home that's increased dramatically in value, you might be rightly concerned about the tax hit. While the limited federal income tax gain…

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Converting a Home to a Rental Property
If you leave your job with company stock in your 401(k) or another qualified retirement plan account, you might wonder if there's a tax-smart move you can make with the stock. Here's some advice to achieve the optimal tax results over the long haul.

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Individual taxpayers who own appreciated vacant land should know the tax consequences before they sell or subdivide. Here's critical federal tax guidance for these individuals.

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You and your valued employees who work far from headquarters can encounter two administrative issues that possibly neither of you contemplated when the remote-working arrangement was agreed to.

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Every two years, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) publishes a study detailing the costs, schemes, perpetrators and victims of occupational fraud. "Occupational Fraud 2022: A Report to the Nations" was recently released. It covers more than 2,100 cases of white-collar crime,…

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